FEZIBO standing desk

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Nowadays rising desks has become a hot trend. standing desk is the desk which can adjust height for home and office use. As people takes more care of their health and comforty, this desk is born for the release of the prolonged sitting (aka “Sitting Disease”).

Research has associated prolonged sitting (aka “Sitting Disease”) with a higher risk of a host of problems, including heart disease and diabetes, certain cancers, and premature death.But that doesn’t mean you should stand all day, either. Standing for the majority of your workday—as people in supermarket, manufacturing—could lead to degenerative joint damage, muscle injury, and circulatory diseases such as venous disorders, increased stroke risk, and carotid atherosclerosis. So the key is to find a good balance between sitting and standing. In this case, adjustable height desk is a good option for health. We have listed several questions for you to get better knowledge when making choices about sit stand desk.

1. How long do I need stand for health concern?

Most experts recommend standing up and moving around for about 15 minutes for every 45 to 60 minutes you spend sitting.

2. Any scientific data can prove An standing desk white is good?

Researchers publishing in the Journal of Physical Activity and Health tried to answer. They fitted 74 healthy people with masks that measured oxygen consumption as a reflection of how many calories they burned while doing computer work, watching TV, standing, or walking on a treadmill. Here’s what they found:

While sitting, study subjects burned 80 calories/hour — about the same as typing or watching TV
While standing, the number of calories burned was only slightly higher than while sitting — about 88 calories/hour
Walking burned 210 calories/hour.

In other words, use of a standing desk for three hours burns an extra 24 calories, about the same number of calories in a carrot. But walking for just a half hour during your lunch break could burn an extra 100 calories each day.

standing desk white

3. Advice for getting more movement into your day?

1. Take breaks often

Take small breaks to stand, stretch and walk around to get your blood pumping and circulating. Set your computer alarm to remind yourself to stop working and stretch. Or do some standing, stretch poses If your work space allows, get your blood flowing with squats, lunges, wall push-ups or planks.

2. Try a bamboo standing desk

If you can, invest in a standing desk or find tasks where you can stand, such as talking on the telephone or reading hard copy reports. Put your file cabinet on the other side of the room so that you have to walk over to it. If you do have a standing desk, alternate between sitting and standing every hour. Move more to get sufficient strength.

3. Walking meetings

Find reasons to go for a walk or to do walking meetings. Instead of sending an email, walk to your colleague’s office down the hall.

4. Use a therapy ball chair

Rather than an office chair, try sitting in a therapy ball chair instead. The ball forces you to use your postural muscles to stay upright and balanced and you can shift your weight easily. As a bonus, you tend to stay more alert while sitting on a therapy ball.

5. Keep your seated posture ergonomically correct

Adjust your computer monitor, keyboard and mouse so that they’re correct for your height. The height of your keyboard and mouse should keep your elbows at your side and bent at 90 degrees.


4. How to choose a good glass standing desk?

1. Very stable

The standing up desk should be with strong frames and can hold your files and notebooks firmly. The idea of your desk wiggling every time you type on your keyboard is unpleasant, and the feeling of your standing desk wobbling is sure to stress you out. This is the base for judgements.

2. Wide Adjustable Height Range

The best standing desks accommodate a wide range of minimum and maximum heights, so they’re a better fit for a wider variety of people. This is especially important if multiple people will be using the desk. Good standing desks also give you precise control over the height, rather than locking into one or two preset positions.

3. Surface and Weight Capacity

If your setup is lightweight and you don’t have much gear, solid wood standing desk is a good choice for you. However, if you have a multi-monitor setup and store lots of equipment on your desk—like a phone, notes, toys, mugs, lamps, and so on—ensure the standing desk you choose is strong enough and big enough to support everything properly, including your favorite desktop supplies.

4. Customization

It's recommended that the standing desk is harmonious with your space and you can also choose the frames, colors and other relative products like pad. Choose the brand which has same value as you. The brand who can offer more kinds of standing up desks to choose from is worth a try.

5. A Good Warranty

Like anything you use on a regular basis, a good desk is worth investing in. And when you invest in something, you want to make sure you’re getting your money’s worth and have recourse in the event the product is faulty or gets damaged. Standing desks, especially the electric ones, should come with a solid warranty—at least 5 years, if not 7 to 10 years. You can also check the delivery time or customer service location to get more information.

6. Easy adjustment

Odds are, if you’re getting a standing desk, you’ll be switching between sitting and standing throughout the day. As such, the standing desk you choose should make adjustments easy, not a time-consuming pain. Consider how often you might switch between sitting and standing each day, and whether you prefer one-touch automated adjustments or adjusting your work area manually. One which suits your habit is the best.


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